Blue Heron In Flight!
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+ Comments Blue Heron In Flight! - 2006-06-17 17:21:51

Finally managed to get a decent flight shot of a Blue Heron at the Finley National Wildlife Refuge in Corvallis Oregon. I was camped out in my camouflage watching this guy work it's way around a pond feeding. I managed to get several good shots of it feeding and while perched. When it was done feeding it flew off I was about 200 feet away and managed to capture this image.

Canon 10D
Canon 300mm f/4L IS USM + 1.4xTC
Tv( Shutter Speed ): 1/500
Av( Aperture Value ): 11
Metering Mode: Evaluative
Exposure Compensation: -1
ISO Speed: 400
Hand held
Natural Light

0 sec
Flash: Not Detected